boomer bonanza (10.18.23)

jeanne breen

I’m a physician, piano player, voracious reader, lap swimmer, animal lover, movie buff, student of baseball, and a lifelong resident of the Northeast.  I drink my coffee with milk and my gin gimlets straight up and ice-cold.  I’ve enjoyed solving crosswords and other word puzzles for years and just started constructing this spring (2023); I’m honored that gin + grapefruit is the site of my debut.  The ‘crossworld’ is such a warm, welcoming community and I’m genuinely in awe of how creative puzzlers are with their themes, themeless seed entries, and cluing.  My thanks to Taylor for encouraging me to give midi construction a try and to Shannon for editing.  I hope you enjoy the solve! 


sloth girl (cryptic) (11.1.23)


poster child (10.4.23)